This poem portrays unrequited love. I thought of using the term "paramour,"which is the origin of the band name "Paramore", but its meaning is illicit love. Dissimilarly, "lovelorn" signifies one whose love is never reciprocated. Ouch! :( bitter..
Did you notice my sidelong glances? Thou amidst us are unbreakable fences? This concealed emotions Got myself incisions.
I tried dumping false thoughts With feelings that i fought A broken heart is a cliche For those thrown with dry bouquets.
Daydreaming soothes me In days of mystery Cause only then I see Your eyes are only for me.
I am a lovelorn Desirous yet forlorn Hoping you'll perceive what I feel Behind my cloak of tears.
Can't you see my radiant eyes In every moment we collide? Do you see how surreal The happiness I can't conceal?
It's inevitable to blame Unanswered love of a bumbling dame Trapped in a field of fancies, A world of broken fantasies.
I am a lovelorn Admired you for quite long When shall they sound clear? The pleasing words I long to hear.
Though you fail to notice Thoughts of you shall be cherished Image of you shall last While I watch you beyond tinted glass.
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Well That's it..You can suggest some revisions ..Thanks :)
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